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Eclipse of the supermoon

It’s not often, in southern England, that we get the chance to see a total eclipse of the Moon. But in the early hours of Monday 28th September, I was lucky enough to witness a triple lunar event. Not only was it a total lunar eclipse, it was the largest supermoon of 2015 (being closest to Earth on […]

Cosmic cappuccino

Just released by the European Space Agency (ESA), this stunning image shows Mars’s southern polar ice cap, as rarely seen before. This is a permanent feature, composed of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and is 3km deep in places. It looks flat in this amazing image, but is in fact a mixed terrain of peaks, troughs and […]

Harvest Moon

This is September’s Harvest Moon; the full Moon associated with bringing in the harvest as the fullness of the moon, and therefore its brightness, appears to last for several days. I managed to capture this with some basic equipment: a SkyWatcher 130P telescope and DSLR camera. This was my first foray into lunar photography; I was […]